Archives 2022

This or That: The appeal get hold of Bag Edition, part III

great morning, glory! increase as well as shine, friend o’ mine! ?

Jak hrát

Vyberte si jeden nebo druhý pro všechny obavy níže, stejně jako kopírování / vložte své odpovědi v komentářích. Nemůžu se dočkat, až uvidím své výběry! Důl jsou uvedeny níže. ?


This or That: The appeal get hold of Bag Edition, part II

Dye your brows: lighter or darker?

Body butter or gel-cream?

What’s a lot more crucial to you: blush or bronzer?

Micellar water or cleansing oil?

Vitamin C or glycolic acid?

Nail polish: shimmer, matte or cream finish?

Face masks: important or unnecessary?

Nail polish base coat: indeed or no?

Top knot or French braid?

Cut your hair or grow it out?

Side part or center part?

What’s a lot more crucial to you: skin care or makeup?

Blending concealer: fingers or brush?

Dye your brows: lighter or darker?

Darker, I guess? I truly can’t see myself with lighter brows.

Body butter or gel cream?

Summer’s around the corner, so let’s opt for the gel cream.

What’s a lot more crucial to you: blush or bronzer?

I’d take blush in a heartbeat over bronzer (my 2014 self would FREAK OUT if she heard me stating this now, LOL!).


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Micellar water or cleansing oil?

I’ll take the cleansing oil, all day, every day. Side note: keep in mind when washing your deal with with an oil cleanser was a revolutionary idea? I keep in mind being talked into an oil cleanser by a sales partner in the appeal section at Nordstrom in 2001 as well as believing at the time that I was a rebel since nobody I understood utilized one. Oh, exactly how the times have changed! ?

Vitamin C or retinol?

“Vitamin C,” she stated with enthusiasm! ?

Nail polish: matte or cream finish?

Cream…and an opaque one at that. I did matte once, as well as it didn’t feel ideal at all!

Face masks: important or unnecessary?

Eh, for me at the moment they’re unnecessary. I like my actives to hang out on my deal with for a while.

Nail polish base coat: indeed or no?

While I absolutely notice a much better wear time when I have one on, as of this moment in time I’m skipping it.

Top knot or French braid?

Top knot.

Cut your hair or grow it out?

Cut that sh*t, girl, as well as don’t even believe of doing it yourself!

Side part or center part?

Slightly off center to the left.

What’s a lot more crucial to you: skin care or makeup?

Péče o kůži. I’ve crossed that bridge, as well as I’m right here for it.

Blending concealer: fingers or brush?

I wanna state fingers, however there’s truly something special about feathering out the edges with a brush.


Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


P.S. delighted Tuesday! ?

To nebo že: odvolání se drží bag Edition, část II

Dobré ráno, sláva! Rise a Shine, přítele O ‘Mine! ?

Jak hrát

Vyberte jednu nebo druhou pro každou z níže uvedených otázek a zkopírujte / vložte své odpovědi v komentářích. Nemůžu se dočkat, až uvidím své výběry! Důl jsou uvedeny níže. ?


To nebo že: odvolání se drží pytel vydání, část II

Chemický nebo fyzický opalovací krém?

Tweezer nebo Lash Curler?

Odstín na rty nebo tvář?

Mascara hůlka – křivka nebo rovná?

Neon světlé vložky nebo neonové světlé nehty?

Sada lisovacích nehtů nebo kosmetického salónu Gel Mani?

Bronzer – Shimmer, matný nebo satén?

Dovolená kondicionér – životně důležitý nebo zbytečný?

Eye Gloss – ano nebo ne?

Chemický nebo fyzický opalovací krém?

Ano! Ale pokud si musím vybrat jeden … Rozhodněte se pro fyzický opalovací krém s okouzlujícím hnědým odstínem.

Tweezer nebo Lash Curler?

V tomto okamžiku, moje brady vlasy křičí “pinzety, dáma!”

Odstín na rty nebo tvář?

Cheek odstín, nejlépe něco v naprosto, letní čas korálů, které je snadné míchat.

Mascara hůlka – křivka nebo rovná?


Neon světlé vložky nebo neonové světlé nehty?

Udělám zvýrazňovače žluté nehty, prosím.

Sada lisovacích nehtů nebo kosmetického salónu Gel Mani?

Měl jsem traumatický zážitek, který se snažil odstranit krásu salónu Gel Mani před několika lety, takže stiskněte-ons to je! (Hej, oni přišli dlouhou cestu s ohledem na to, že ’80. let a některé z nich jsou vlastně opravdu pěkné.)

Bronzer – Shimmer, matný nebo satén?

Matte by byl krásný, děkuji moc.

Dovolená kondicionér – životně důležitý nebo zbytečný?

Takže nezbytný!

Eye Gloss – ano nebo ne?

Jistě proč ne?


Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,


P.S. Potěšen úterý! ?

Tento týden make-upu a vlasové uniformy: monochromatický make-up s ležérní pletenou korunu

Mám na sobě ilia barevný opar multi-užívání pigmentu v pokušení na víčkách, rtech a tvářích
Dobré ráno a šťastný úterý! Snažím se tento týden nový make-up a vlasová uniforma – monochromatická víčka, rty a tváře s ležérní korunou.

Použil jsem multi-použití krém ILIA v teplé korálové růžové, aby se snadno vytáhla make-up dohromady před videozáznamem. Technicky krém je navržen tak, aby se nosil jako červenat a rtěnku, ale rozhodl jsem se ho nosit jako oční stíny jen pro zábavu. Vidím make-up umělců, kteří dělají tento druh věci po celou dobu, takže jsem spokojen s experimentováním, ale víš, ty jsi to!


Trochu mřížky, ale nemyslím si, že se to zobrazí na videohovor, takže jsem s ním v pohodě
Také jsem zametl trochu Bronzer v mém záhybu (Mac mi dal slunce)
Takový účes. Říkám tomu “ležérní korunu pletené”, protože je to jedna z těch, kteří by měli být trochu chaotický. Opravdu jsem si neuvědomil, jak to bylo, jak jsem to udělal pic zády, omg!

Právě jsem udělal ta tvář, když jsem si uvědomil šílenství, která se tam stane …

Tento přesný výraz.
Nikdo na videohoverách vlastně nevidí zadní hlavu, takže jsem s tím naprosto v pořádku, ale vážně s tím, jak šílený je, lol!


Každý, kdo se tento týden snaží “uniformu”?

Vaše přátelské sousedství krásy závislý,


Warm golden Lids With Bronzed liner Breakdown | Prioritizing rest | Eyeshadow suggestions

starting a new book today!
Heya! pleased Friday. How’s your day going?

Mine has been pretty good so far. Today I have the day off, my first in ages, and I have a few hours to myself while Connor is in school, and I practically don’t know what do. I’ve been working on the weekends for the past few weeks, and while I typically don’t mind keeping busy, I’ve chose that this is the year I’m going to fully embrace rest, so today I’m going to do my best to just relax.


All I’m allowed to do are things that help refill the well, so to speak, both mentally and physically. good luck to me, LOL! There’s always something to do around here, and I’m already ticking off all the things I could accomplish with the extra time, like cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, going grocery shopping, prepping meals for the weekend, getting ahead on writing for work, etc. etc. BUT, NOPE. Not gonna do it. rest is the priority today.

I’m going to curb the need to be productive and just do fun things for me today. I’m going to view a period piece (I’m thinking “Remains of the Day” or “The Age of Innocence”), purchase a Blue Barn salad, start a new book and maybe paint my nails if I’m feeling ambitious. Oh, I’m going to drink decaf Nespressos all day long, hahaha. I may even take a nap, GASP!

Ate my favorite salad in the world, the Tostada salad with grilled shrimp and avocado from Blue Barn Marin

Love me a period piece


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Pojďme to udělat

Are you good about being proactive about your periods of rest? I’m so not. I’m trying to get better about it, though.

Anywho, so this note is marginally related to makeup, Kathleen said this in the comments last Friday on the two-toned liner makeup post:

Teach me your ways! I can deal with the amazing liner situation. but can you walk me through the eyeshadow, please? Is the Honey Lust on the lid and the Woodwinked on the inner corner? and Saddle underneath both as a base? I never wear shadow, so I appreciate your suggestions – Thanks!

Hey, Kathleen! thank you for your question. Here’s a breakdown of where I put each shadow on my lid; snad to pomůže.

Some general tips:

Practice, practice, practice. With eyeshadow, I think it’s always a good idea to just keep practicing. place your shadows on your lids, blend as much as you can (use a light touch), and repeat until you get the hang of it. eventually you’ll figure out what placement works best for your eye shape.

Keep it simple. I would keep it relatively simple. Do one, two shades at the most. Oh, and simplify by skipping the primer if you want (or don’t). I typically opt out and just do shadow, no primer.

Smooth it out. That said, if you’re having trouble smoothing out your gradients, try dusting a light layer of powder on top of your lids first. and just keep practicing!

Alright, I’m off to go and do absolutely nothing.


Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,



The Liebster award

::blushes:: Aw shucks, I got nominated for The Leibster award twice last week! Huge thanks to Bree and Ryane for the nominations! Bree has been so active on my blog: reading as well as commenting regularly, it’s fantastic to have such participation. Plus, she is the most prolific blog writer I know, publishing several entrances each day – as well as did I mention that she’s a new mom? thanks Bree, for your support! Ryane I’m just starting to get to understand more, however her blog is all things girly as well as lovely – great deals of fun as well as positive vibes from her. Dík!

I wasn’t familiar with this award so I googled it as well as this blog has some background info it.  Essentially it’s a great method to find new blogs as well as acknowledge the work of up-and-coming bloggers.

1. say thanks to as well as acknowledge the person who nominated you.
2. response the concerns the blog writer provided you.
3. provide 11 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 7-11 blog writers with less than 200 followers.
5. Notify the people you nominated.
6. provide approximately 7 to 11 concerns for nominees to answer.

My solution to Bree’s questions:
1. What beauty product can you not online without?
Balzám na rty! I must always have moisturized lips or else I cannot focus on anything else. I’m partial to the Dr Hauschka lip care stick for daytime. true story: once, was on my method to an interview as well as realized that I failed to remember my lip balm. I had to stop off at the drugstore to buy one before the interview.

2. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I’m more of a morning person – I like to get the day started!

3. What was the last great movie you saw in the theaters?
Birdman. I was surprised I liked it as much as I did – I walked in not expecting much. as well as now look, it won the Oscar for finest Picture!

4. What’s your concept of a perfect vacation?
Some kind of metropolitan city – I much prefer the cultural element of travelling than laying about in the sun. In fact, I dislike all-inclusive resorts. I’m all about seeing the sights as well as  trying the regional food while I’m on vacation.

5. What did you want to be when you grew up? Does it match what you do now (or planning on doing)?
I wished to be a teacher. as well as no, it doesn’t match up with what I’m currently doing, I can’t picture costs all the time around youngsters now…

6. What was your proudest moment?
Not a specific moment, however generally living the life I want to lead. I have this quote framed:

– Henry David Thoreau
7. What is your most preferred piece of garments in your closet?
I have a dark grey hoodie from the now defunct JACOB Connexion which is made from a extremely soft jersey material. What I like about it, is the hood itself – it’s a big slouchy hood that’s unlike anything I’ve seen since. It’s my go-to comfy wear.

My solution to Ryane’s questions:
1. summertime or Winter?
Call me crazy, however I prefer Winter. I’d much rather be chilly than to be as well hot as well as sweaty.

2. preferred location on Earth?
Doma! spoken like a true Crab (I’m a cancer in the zodiac).

3. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As per my reply to Bree, I wished to be a teacher. I likewise believed I wished to be a nurse. I am neither!

4. preferred Kardashian?
Oh gosh if you put a gun to my head, I would state Kourtney since she seems to have her sh!t together.

5. Pet peeve?
People who walk with a door as well as don’t hold it for the person behind them.

6. preferred designer?
I don’t comply with designers as much now as I utilized to, however I greatly admire the brilliant that was Yves Saint Laurent. He was like an artist, however with textile.

7. If you might have one super power, what would you choose?
Neviditelnost! I’m such a voyeur… I’d like to be a a fly on the wall in conversations or peeking inside people’s homes.

8. Nsync or Backstreet Boys?
NSYNC! It provided us JT, c’mon.

9. Do you have any type of tattoos/piercings?
No tattoos. No unusual piercings – I had a piecing on my ear cartilage area – obviously that type of piercing is called a “Helix” according to this chart however I ultimately eliminated it since the hoop it in would frequently snag with my hair as well as it would get irritated.

10. preferred location to shop?
This is a tough one now since my previous location to shop – JACOB – is now closed. Currently, I would state I like loft the most.

11. any type of trick talents?
If I tell you, then it wouldn’t be a trick anymore, now would it?! ;P I assumption not so trick is that I’m a knitter. Whenever people discover out that I knit, they’re surprised since they believe knitting is for old grannies. Není tak!

11 Facts about myself:
1.  I eat cereal (any type) totally dry, no milk.
2.  I’m somewhat ambidextrous – I utilize my computer mouse, clean my teeth, laundry my deal with with my left hand, however I compose as well as utilize most otjejí nástroje s pravou rukou.
3. Dávám přednost ne-faktu s fikcí.
4. Mám rád nepříjemné uzly – být to uzly v sféře příze, nebo pokud je přívěsky řetězec zamotaný, mám trpělivost a hbité prsty, aby je utrácet!
5. Jsem přijat. Takže je moje sestra. Nejsme však biologicky spojeni.
6. Mám na stehně trochu mateřské známky, která je tvarována jako kachna.
7. Moje oblíbená barva je fialová, stejně jako to bylo od té doby, co jsem byl trochu – nikdy jsem nebyl v růžové.
8. Moje narozeniny jsou opravdu jednoduché pamatovat: 11. července, protože v numerickém typu se rýmy: sedm jedenáct.
9. Nelíbí se mi celer – voní jako b.o. ke mě!
10. Mám rád sovy. Nemám sbírám věci s sovy na nich za sebe, ale travitují se na výrobky s sovy na nich. Mám sova hrnek, notebook sova, sova balzám na rtu …
11. Mám extrémně úžasný zub – vždy budu vybrat nádherný nad pikantní, bez ohledu na to, co. Nejsem do jídla. Mám rád gumovité bonbóny:

Moje kandidáti:
• Toast žena všemohoucí
• Louis Anne Barnard
• AuberginereVerie.
• Mieke.
• Snažím se jednou
• Ženy o Londýně
• Lucy Western.
• Krása, jak tomu rozumím
• stín a cukr
• Bexeyy beauty.

Moje obavy s nimi:
1. Jaké je vaše oblíbené jídlo k jídlu?
2. Co je / byl váš oblíbený předmět ve škole?
3. Nosíte hodinky? Pokud ne, proč ne?
4. Podpatky nebo byty?
5. Oblíbená hra jako dítě?
6. Jaké je vaše vinné potěšení?
7. Hráte nějaký typ hudebních nástrojů?
8. Jste jediné dítě? Pokud ne, jaký narozený řád máte podzim? přesně jak si myslíte, že vás ve tvaru?
9. Která značka make-upu myslíte, že je příliš hyper?
10. Jaké časopisy jste zkontrolovali rutinním základě?
11. Co je na klíče?

Dejte tyto spisovatele blogu někteří jako – jdi zkontrolovat jejich blogy, stejně jako jejich řešení mých otázek!

To byla zábava! Díky ještě jednou k Bree, stejně jako Ryane!

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Stejně jako načítání …


Krásný blog spisovatel ocenění byl trojitý tagged pro toto ocenění Bree vždy, Bree, radost ze stylu s radostí, stejně jako Sam Glam se Sam! Takže poctěla, že mě tyto krásné ženy jmenují pro tento! Pokud jste on-line pod skálou, stejně jako nikdy nenavštívili své blogy, dostanete thee …
April 7, 2015In “Beauty”

Inovativní blog spisovatel oceňovaný od Shadow & Sugar mě nominoval na inovativní ocenění blogu spisovatele, což je ještě jedna značka typu publikování, stejně jako jsem více než ráda přijmout! Thank you Meredith, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog as well as getting to understand you better! The rules of the award are: Nominate 15-20…
26. března 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Versatile award & Premio Dardos AwardI was double tagged by joy of Styled with joy as well as Crystal of nerdylibrariangirl for this award mash-up! Both blogs are my must-reads as well as they’ve provided great deals of support on my blog! Děkuji moc moc! Premio Dardos is Spanish for “Prize Darts” as well as is an award in recognition of cultural,…
April 10, 2015In “Beauty”

Guerlain Dovolená 2105: Perles des Neiges

Viděl jsem docela několik propagačních obrazů Guerlain Holiday 2105 Perles des Neiges meteority (ty hvězdy ve tvaru perly!), Ale nic mě připravilo na to, jak krásná sněhová koule orb-jako Balení je! To by mohlo být položka, kterou bych porušil své no-koupit pro ….! S tím jsem s tím smrt!


To musí být pro tuto dovolenou nejvíce předvídat! Přinejmenším to bylo pro mě 🙂 Nikdy nemůžete mít dost z těchto malých květinek metrů míče vpravo!

Dostal jsem objednávku od Escentual, jakmile jsem zjistil, že to bylo k dispozici ve Velké Británii.

Letos je balení všechno! Pouzdro je sněhová koule, a tam jsou některé hvězdy ve tvaru hvězdy uvnitř těchto meteoritových perel. Dodává se také s práškem puff se zlatou stuhou.

Četl jsem, že jemné osvětlení je zdokonaleno s béžovými perly, aby se i z kožního tónu, šampaňské rozjasnit, a zlato pro efekt polibků slunce. Tato krása má také rozostřit linky a nedokonalosti pro zářivý výsledek. Někteří milují guerlain meteority a závislé na účinky, které mohou dát. A někteří prostě nemohou říct rozdíl a nechápou potřebu …

Zobrazit originální příspěvek 208 více slov

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Stejně jako načítání …


Guerlain Météoritesguerlain Météority je kultovní klasika – není moc, že ​​můžu přidat do historie a informace, které už tam jsou, takže budu jen ukázat, co vlastním a mým myšlenkám na ně. Pokusím se napsat celý celý příspěvek bez použití slovních kuliček (kromě této jedné zmínění), …
1. září 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Guerlain Terra Azzurra Sbírka Emilio Puccidon není příliš vzrušený, to není nová kolekce Guerlain Terra Azzurra od Emilio Pucci. To je od sbírky letních 2012. Jsem na to jen 3 roky pozdě. Ale myslím lépe než nikdy! Koupil jsem si Terra Azzurra bronzing Powder & Blush a meteority Perles …
7. května 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Blogmas Day 4: Snow Themed MakeupDay je další koordinovaný blogmas post, kde taháme položky z našich make-up sbírek, abyste vytvořili zasněžené make-up vzhled. Pro mě, sníh tématikou make-up znamená 2 věci: bílé a jiskřivé! Zřídkakdy nosím bílé oční stíny, ale mám rád, jak to vypadá na jiných lidech, když se spojil s tlustší …
4. prosince 2015 ‘Beauty “

Makeup as well as beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 717

happy birthday, MBB!

Takže … Jaký je pondělní průzkum?

Výborná otázka! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Spiky lashes: your thoughts?

Super awesome in magazines, however on me as I’m going about my day? Ne tak moc. I end up appearing like I misplaced my lash comb, LOL!

2. have you ever had a pair of cargo pants?

Yes I have, as well as I liked mine back in the day since POCKETS. I had a full-length tan pair as well as cropped pair in camo print (OMG), as well as I used them all the time.


3. Earrings: hoops or studs?

Small hoops that don’t need a separate latch/earring back.

4. carry bag or crossbody purse?

Crossbody that’s not as well big, not as well small, with a zipper (so all my crap doesn’t autumn out).

5. exactly how are you doing today?

I feel the very best I’ve felt in days! I have a terrible migraine all weekend as well as it’s subsided, for now.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

6. Something great you can do for yourself today?

Jít spát brzy! The more sleep I can slip in, the much better off I am the next day.

7. stretchy pants today?

Ano prosím. as well as a comfy sweatshirt, too, since it’s chilly today.

8. Something you’re looking ahead to in the spring?

Seeing all the cherry blossoms in bloom!

9. Maroon mascara: indeed or no?

Hard pass. I’ve tried it before with a few different brands, as well as it never shows up on my dark lashes.

Vaše přátelská společenství krása závislý,


P.S. Právě tady jsou obavy z kopírování / vložení s vašimi odpověďmi v komentáři. talk to ya soon.


1. Spiky lashes: your thoughts?
2. have you ever had a pair of cargo pants?
3. Earrings: hoops or studs?
4. carry bag or crossbody purse?
5. exactly how are you doing today?
6. Something great you can do for yourself today?
7. stretchy pants today?
8. Something you’re looking ahead to in the spring?
9. Maroon mascara: indeed or no?

P.p.S. happy Monday, my gorgeous friend! I hope your day has been mellow so far. Let’s have a fantastic week ahead, OK?

P.P.P.S. random fun fact, however MBB turned 15 yesterday. say thanks to you for coming together with me for the ride!

This or That: The charm get Bag edition

You never know what you’re going to get!
Jak hrát

Vyberte jednu nebo druhou pro každou z níže uvedených otázek a zkopírujte / vložte své odpovědi v komentářích. Nemůžu se dočkat, až uvidím své výběry! Důl jsou uvedeny níže. ?

This or That: The charm get Bag Edition

Foundation, BB cream or CC cream?

Set with powder or set with a setting spray?

High beam highlights or a contour that could cut glass?

Color corrector — green, purple, blue or orange?

Touch-up time — do you use blotting paper or pressed powder?

Eyelash serum or eyebrow serum?

Neutral eyeshadow palette: urban Decay Naked2 basics palette or Tarte Tartelette In Bloom Palette?

Liquid liner — flexible felt suggestion or stiff felt tip?

Brows — natural and defined OR full and bold?

Fragrance — floral or fresh?

More fragrance — warm and spicy OR earthy and woody?

Foundation, BB cream or CC cream?

BB cream, because it’s the sheerest option.


Set with powder or set with a setting spray?

Setting spray, please! I really love the one by urban Decay.

High beam highlights or a contour that could cut glass?

Honestly, neither. but if forced to choose…I’d choose the highlights.

Color corrector — green, purple, blue, orange or peach?

Peach, please! I’d use just a touch on the inner corner of my eyes and on my upper lip.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Touch-up time — do you use blotting paper or pressed powder?

Blotting paper for the win. Shiseido makes a terrific one that I used to use back in the day!

Eyelash serum or eyebrow serum?

Eyelash serum, please and thank you.

Neutral eyeshadow palette — urban Decay Naked2 basics palette or Tarte Tartelette In Bloom Palette?

I love both, but I like having the variety of finishes in the Tarte palette. A girl’s gotta have choices, ya know? ?

Liquid liner — flexible felt suggestion or stiff felt tip?

Flexible felt tip. It’s just so much simpler for me to control.

Brows — natural and defined OR full and bold?

Natural and defined all the way!

Fragrance — floral or fresh?

I could use a floral best now, got any recs?

More fragrance — warm and spicy OR earthy and woody?

Earthy and woody; however, I don’t want to smell like dirt, LOL! give me some mossy notes any day.


Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,


P.S. Potěšen úterý! ?

Checking In: A Chanel blush brush Haunting, and a Jewel-Toned FOTD With Purple Lids!

I will totally get to these purple lids in a second (BECAUSE PURPLE), but first, can we pleeeeease talk about the latest mystery to unfold on this end of the keyboard — a mystery also known as “The Haunting of Casa MBB”?

Don’t worry, there’s nothing terribly sinister afoot (I’m not splashing buckets of holy water on things left and right, in case you’re wondering!).


I’ve been gently “haunted” for the past few weeks by my favorite Chanel blush brush, which has been disappearing and reappearing all over the house in the most random places. I’ve found it on my bed, in the hallway, on the middle of the stairs, on the kitchen floor.

Last week I found it smack dab in the middle of living room, just sitting there on the carpet right in front of the couch.

Hmm… ?


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

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I just assumed that Connor had grabbed it and played with it and forgot to put it back, but when I asked her about it later she said, “No, mama, I have my own brushes.” (Hahaha! She totally does!)

Now, this brush just so happens to be one of my favorite blush brushes because it’s super soft, and the brush head fits perfectly on top of the apples of my cheeks and underneath the hollow of my cheekbones, so I can use it for blush and bronzový. The bristles are also perfectly floofy, so it blends like a dream.

I thought, if an otherworldly entity/spirit has been obsessing over it, I completely understand.

But it ended up not being due to a makeup brush-loving ghost. The disappearances were in fact due to a cat.

YUP! look who I just found outside my office doing her “hunter’s mewl.” It’s this cute little growl/grumble Rosie Posie does whenever she stalks and hunts one of her soft toy balls and she wants to show off the riches of her spoils.

I went into the hallway to investigate and give her the usual attention she likes after she catches her prey (“Oh, good job, Rosie-Pose! You’re such a good mouser. look how well you stalked your toy!”), and that’s when I caught her red-handed (red-pawed?) with my Chanel brush in her mouth.

Záhada vyřešena!

I guess from this point forward, this brush will have a special hiding place…inside a drawer!

(QUICK UPDATE: later in the day, I also caught her dragging my NARS blush brush around, so she appears to be expanding her hunting horizons.)

Jewel-toned purple lids

OK, so let’s talk purple lids. Now, this might look a little familiar to ya because I’ve been doing variations of this look using the same neutral colors in the crease, inner corner and lash lines, but with different jewel tones on the lids. First, green, and then blue, and now purple!

Find your core

This totally wearable look relies on finding a core group of matte brown and beige eyeshadows for your crease colors. once you find ones you like, then you can just keep them on standby, and then quickly swap out the jewel tone on your lids with other colors to create different looks!

I’ve been using the same set of warm browns and beiges in this series…

Beige matte shadow base: NARS tinted Smudge proof Eyeshadow Base in Light

Beige shadow: MAC Mylar

Light warm matte brown shadow: MAC Soft Brown

Mid-toned warm matte brown shadow: MAC Saddle

Dark mate brown shadow: MAC Brun

Bronze pencil: MAC Teddy

For the purples, I’m wearing a shimmery purple called Guilt Trip, a dark purple called Drift (both are from the urban Decay born to Run Palette) and a dark purple UD pencil called Empire.

The foundation, powder blush/bronzer and lipstick are the same products I recently used in a 10-minute makeup look in this It Cosmetics foundation review (which I’m also wearing in this pic, by the way).


As you can see, I’m pretty stoked about this look, and I’m excited to wear makeup again!

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Saturday Surfing, Jan. 22, 2022!

welcome to the weekend!
Hello as well as pleased Saturday from me, my breakfast as well as Janet Jackson on the cover of “Allure.”

This is my preferred Janet Jackson song, by the way. Co je tvoje?


Anywho…I’ve had the magazine sitting on my desk for a few days; I’ve been saving it to checked out on Saturday morning with my breakfast. since reading a magazine on the weekend feels that much much more special for some reason! (Maybe since I can unwind as well as savor the experience.) It’s one of my preferred things.

Another of my preferred things? My Nespresso machine!

It’s essentially like a elegant Keurig. I got one for Christmas from El Hub. You purchase the coffee pod cups, which are available in different flavors as well as intensities, then insert the cup into the machine, as well as the device just does its thang. It makes delicious, tasty coffee! I mean, it’s a few of the very best coffee I’ve ever had from anyplace on earth. Also, the cups are made of aluminum as well as recyclable, so you can decrease them into a recycling bag when you’re done, as well as take them to a regional recycling spot.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Officially obsessed
No joke, however I will speak with anybody as well as everybody about the glory of a cup of Nespresso coffee… It’s so creamy as well as full of layers of rich flavor! AH! I don’t understand if I’ve just been drinking awful drip coffee for as well numerous years or if Nespresso is truly all that as well as a bag of chips, however I get up in the morning salivating at the believed of that very first pohár.

Tento týden čtení

“I couldn’t stop purchasing perfume samples to make sure I didn’t have Covid.”

Just in situation you ever wondered what a perfume named “Burning Bridges” smells like…

Does rosemary tea grow your hair?

IGK has a new line of at-home hair dye.

This artist produced a portrait of Betty White (RIP, queen) with lipstick as her medium of choice.

Ah, Byredo. always doing weird, awesome stuff.

Also understood as “The Mothership”

Ano prosím.

I hope there’s bread as well as cafe au lait involved.

Someone make this for me ASAP.


Messy bun 101

Build that muscle.

Ano ano.

I can’t wait to view this.

In situation you’ve ever wondered…

Are they truly at the DMV?

It’s sunny right here in my neck of the woods today, so I’m going to opt for a walk as well as listen to a podcast.


How’s it going on your end? got anything fun lined up for the weekend?

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