Archives 2023

Make-up a kouzlo blog pondělí hlasování, sv. 345

nothing says I love you like a bowl of ramen. (This was my dinner on Saturday night! I hung out with Jen and Cindy.)
Můžete se divit, “Tak co v tarnaci je tento pondělí průzkum, stejně?”

Není to přesně anketa. Je to mnohem více než neustále se vyvíjející (devolní?), Poněkud náhodný seznam otázek, které jsem vystavil čtenářům každý pondělí ráno za poslední sedm let. (Je to jako kickstart pro váš mozek.) Vždycky jsem potěšen čtením vašich odpovědí v komentářích, a doufám, že se vám líbí v čtení dolu.

Have you ever seen someone who looks just like you?
Not on the street, no, but several people have told me that they’ve seen my twin. She, or they, are out there… It’s only a matter of time before we find each other, and the plot against us unfolds.

I don’t care. You couldn’t pay me enough to __________.
Be on that show, worry element (is that still on?). I just remember seeing a clip with a woman stuck in a box filled with a billion worms. That’s literally my nightmare. Doslova.

Would you want to be a werewolf?
No…because Tabs would be scared of me.

What’s something in your life you had to fight for?
To have a life where I was the one actually driving the car and making the decisions, because my parents had a plan for me all laid out, which was to go to medical school, even though that was the last thing in the world I wanted.

I think some of it was a cultural thing, and my parents were just trying to help, but I had to learn how to speak up for myself and fight for the things I wanted.

How do you feel about green eye shadow?
I wear it all the time, but only particular shades of green. Khaki greens, golden olive greens. I rarely wear bright kelly greens or neon greens because I feel like I’m of a certain age and can’t pull them off anymore…but olive greens and khaki greens are cool.


Tvůj tah. Stačí kopírovat a vložit následující otázky do komentáře s vašimi odpověďmi. Těším se na čtení EM!

1. have you ever seen someone who looks just like you?
2. I don’t care. You couldn’t pay me enough to __________.
3. would you want to be a werewolf?
4. What’s something in your life you had to fight for?
5. how do you feel about green eye shadow?

“It’s like something out of The Godfather.” how often do you hear that? Well, I heard it yesterday, as a matter of fact, on a street corner in the mission district in San Francisco. There’s always something going on in that part of the city.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

I was there with El Hub to meet one of his friends for lunch, and there was this big procession with a marching band best on the street in front of a beautiful old church.

One of the things I love about San Francisco.

Happy Monday, my friend. I hope you have an easy day today. I’m not really in the mood for difficulty, if you know what I mean. I want to coast…


Your nephew says “mrow,” by the way.

Váš přátelský sousedství Charm Addict,


Pro vaši kontrolu potěšení, nový Mac udržuje nahý pytel na rtu a Kristin Perry Jewel Saturation náhrdelník

‘SUP, Dívka
Za prvé, pro vaši kontrolu potěšení, záložky v náhrdelníku drahokamu …

“Den. Oficiálně. Vyrobený. ” říká žena, která žije pro chunky kočičky ve výkazu šperků.


The Bling, mimochodem, je $ 68 Jewel Saturation náhrdelník Kristin Perry, které karty líbí, protože Art Deco-Ness z něj dělá ho, jako je ve Velkém Gatsby.

Dále, také pro vaši kontrolu potěšení, tam je nová limitovaná edice udržovací pytel nahý nude rty z Mac Keepsake Holiday Collection ($ 39.50 USA, $ 47.50 CAD).

Mac Keepsakes Nude Bet Bag, $ 39.50

Polibek krále rtěnku

Chic Supremacy LifGlass.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Odvážně holé rty tužka
Vzorník zleva: odvážně holá rtová tužka, políbit krále rtěnku a elegantní supremacy finglass
Já vím, vím – teplé nahé rty … Jsem tak snadný! Ale Whatevs, budu moci nosit tento trio s Errrrrthingem a ErrrrrtThing I indikuji Smokey oči, většinou z hnědé, černé a bronzové odrůdy a kočičíčního ústředny.

Za $ 39.50 dostanete elegantní make-up tašku, jednu tužku na rtů v odvážném hole (musí mít nude nahý Lip z mac permanentní linky), broskvový korálový lesk rtěnka v polibku krále a krémově žluté nahé vlákno v elegantní nadřazenosti.

Odvážně holé, teplá broskvá, narůžová hnědá, páry dobře s téměř o každou peachy růžová nahá rtěnka, kterou jsem se snažil, a myslím, že to také vypadá dobře na jeho vlastní nebo s trochou jasného balzámu rtů nebo lesk nahoře.

Pokud se vám líbí subkultura, mám pocit, že se vám také líbí odvážně holé.


Nahý taška na rty je jedním ze tří limitovaných edice udržuje rty a oční tašky v sbírce dovolená Mac (s ostatními dvěma červenými a korálovými). Všechny tři budou k dispozici na webových stránkách MAC od 19. října a v obchodech 23. října do 18. prosince.

Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,


The new Hydrating MAC Huggable Lipcolour Collection gives dry Lips a big Hug

big hug for the new MAC Huggable Lipcolour collection
Well, I love hugging smug thugs who snuggle pugs that play on rugs, BOOM!

And you wonder why my rap occupation never took off…



Ah, the things that pop into your head when you’re trying to think of creative ways to work the word “hug” into your blog posts…

You know, hug? As in the brand-spankin new MAC Huggable Lipcolour collection?


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Interestingly, MAC didn’t call these lipsticks, which makes sense to me, as they don’t seem much like lipsticks at all. Rather, they remind me of intensely pigmented, hella moisturizing lip balms.

Dry lips say what now…?

Yup, the 12 Huggable Lipcolours have a completely new gel-based formula, and they make their big debut January 2nd in any way North American MAC locations and internationally the same month (in all countries outside Asia).

MAC claims the formula makes them mega moisturizing and capable of leaping tall buildings in a single bound!

Wait — no, that’s not right. It’s meant to help the shiny finish last up to six hours.

Lots of colors here to choose from. I see some wearable nudes, pinks, corals and a sprinkling of richer wines, plums and deep reds.

These are, like, the utmost purse lip balms. The moisturizing formula absolutely kicks dry lip flakes to the curb, and applying them couldn’t be easier. We’re talking so soft and buttery that they practically melt when you run them across your lips.

In fact, I’d say they border on being a little too soft, so don’t go dropping one on a hard surface, you cute clumsy-pants, lest you be S.O.L. like yours genuinely (notice that a few of them have chips on their sides, le sigh…).

As for the hugging, yeah, they really do hug the surface of my lips. No odd patchiness or propensities to clear up into my fine lip lines. just a smooth block of semi-transparent coverage with megawatts of shine.

Touche Huggable Lipcolour, a light beige with a cream finish
Fresh & Frisky Huggable Lipcolour, a soft neutral peach with a cream finish
Cherry Glaze Huggable Lipcolour, an orangey red with a cream finish
Out for passion Huggable Lipcolour, a soft warm rose with a cream finish>
Fashion force Huggable Lipcolour, a cool coral with a cream finish
Love Beam Huggable Lipcolour, a mid-tone warm pink with a cream finish
What a feeling Huggable Lipcolour, a mid-tone cool pink with a cream finish
Feeling Amorous Huggable Lipcolour, a mid-tone fuchsia with a cream finish

Red Necessity Huggable Lipcolour, a deep warm white wine with a cream finish
Commotion Huggable Lipcolour, a deep cool plum with a cream finish
Rich Marron Huggable Lipcolour, a a mid-tone nude with a cream finish
Rusty Huggable Lipcolour, a deep auburn with a cream finish

MAC Huggable Lipcolour swatches on my NC42 skin

From the left: Touche, Fresh & Frisky, Cherry Glaze and Out for Passion
From the left: fashion Force, love Beam, What a feeling and feeling Amorous
From the left: Red Necessity, Commotion, rich Marron and Rusty
Fresh & Frisky
Cherry Glaze
Out for Passion
Fashion Force
Love Beam
Jaký to pocit
Feeling Amorous
Red Necessity
Rich Marron
Gimme a hug!

Let’s see… What else?

Ach! These feel thicker than regular lipsticks to me, and I can absolutely feel them sitting on my lips (but it’s not annoying). They’re also unflavored, unscented and non-sticky.

MAC bills them as having a six-hour wear time, but I think that might be a stretch, at least on me.

I guess they could last that long if you never smacked your lips or rubbed them together or nibbled on anything. On me, though, infamous lip-smacking tea-drinker that I am, I only get about two hours, tops.

Yup, kind of a disappointment, but really, very few lip products last six hours for me (mostly just incredibly duper, long-wearing mattes).

Overall, I like these, but I am a little bummed about the wear time. Still, I love the shiny, moisturizing formula and how smoothly it applies — even with the really dark colors — sans any drama.


Fresh & Frisky, love Beam and rich Marron are going into my purse immediately, ’cause you know I roll deep with the wearable nudes.

PRICE: $20 each US, $24 CAN
AVAILABILITY: January 2 through February 13 in any way North American MAC counters, stores and; internationally, also in January in all countries outside Asia
MAKEUP and appeal blog RATING: B+/A-

Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,


Unsung Make-up Heroes: Chanel iluze d’ombre Dlouhý nosit světelné oční stíny ve Fantasme

Oslava připravená za méně než 30 sekund! Použití chanel iluze d’ombre dlouho nosit světelné oční stíny ve fantazii ($ 36)
Fantasme …

Proč jsem jen photo penelope cruz říkat, že jako z jednoho z těch Nespresso reklamy?



Jsme opravdu téměř na konci listopadu? Nemůžu uvěřit, že díkůvzdání je jen týden pryč, nicméně připomíná mi, že teď je čas na dovolenou make-up.

Příští týden je Den díkůvzdání, stejně jako pak pár get-togethers kolem Vánoc, takže se snažím věřit metodám vypadat oblékli, že nepotřebují velký úsilí, stejně jako využitím produktů, které mohu vrstva nahoře z jakéhokoli jiného make-upu, který jsem mohl zahájit den na sobě.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Řekni “šťastné svátky!” na chanel iluze d’ombre dlouho nosit světelné oční stíny ve fantazii. Tento naprostý, třpytivý bílý krém Wunderkind ($ 36) dělá získání párty připravené vypadá tak jednoduchá jako tři paty prstu.

Dobře … tři nebo čtyři.

Chanel iluze d’ombre dlouho nosit světelné oční stíny ve fantazii ($ 36)
Počkejte – nechodte pryč, protože jsem uvedl třpyt! Jedná se o Chanel Glitter, takže je to elegantní, stejně jako jemné laděné (myslím: nákladný lustr), stejně jako je to přesně typ lesku, kterou si představuji choupette kočičí listy v její brázdě, když se nachází kolem jejího sídla.

Fantasme je jedním z těch klamných úžasných kusů … Předstírá, že je únavný, stejně jako Nonsonscript ve vzorníkech, ale to se změní na výstavní houslista na víčkách.

Dlouhodobý běh série Unsung Heroes nabízí několik mých preferovaných dlouhodobých sběrných produktů z řady lživých odvolacích značek.

Co rád dělám, je Fantasme ve vnitřních rozích víček s prstem.

Jistě, můžete využít kartáč, ale líbí se mi, že používám prsty, protože se zdá, že sníží na spád … že ne, že je to tak moc.

Jen jsem spatřil na vrcholu oční make-upu, který se vyskytuje. Nezáleží na tom, jaké barvy nebo typ vzhledu je to. Fantasme to klikne.

Zde jsem ho používám na vrcholu šedozelena, stejně jako blues z Metropolitan Decay Vice 2 palety …

Zde jsem patroval fantastasme do vnitřní poloviny víček s prstem

Vlastně trvá méně než 30 sekund. Vážně, nejrychlejší oslava očí vzhled vůbec.


Fantasme je nyní nabízen v dlouholeté linii Chanel, velkolepý i zářivý na čítačích Chanel, stejně jako online.

Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


How To utilize the new MAC Prep + Prime CC Colour right Line: ideas From MAC senior artist Victor Cembellin

The new MAC Prep + Prime CC Colour right line, offered now
GUUUURL, don’t even get me started about brighting products ’cause we’ll be right here for days.

DAYS, I tell ya. potentially even years.


I’m really never not trying to find something — anything — to provide me an additional brightening lift. It’s one of my continuous personal makeup missions.

When MAC’s new Prep + Prime CC Colour right line came out last week, I was intrigued! — however admittedly confused.

I wasn’t sure where to start… I mean, lavender powder? Yellow deal with lotion?


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Co dává? as well as what are they for?

I asked MAC senior artist Victor Cembellin, who I’ve understood for a few years, about the new products, what they do, as well as the very best methods to utilize ’em.

Hi, Victor! What can you tell me about these new Prep + Prime CC Colour right products? must I be intrigued?

OK, so, essentially, what’s type of incredible about these is that products such as this have been on the market for lots of years, however what I like is that we’ve kind of re-worked them into something completely new.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting SPF 30, $30 each
Obviously, these are for adjusting skin tones. The CC is for “color correct,” however what’s interesting about them is that whereas in the past, there was this kind of mentality from the consumer of, like, if I get hold of this eco-friendly cream as well as put it on top my red cheeks, everything’s going to be gone as well as Photoshopped as well as all that.

Adjust, a sheer apricot
I believe what’s interesting about these specific products is exactly how gently we utilized the innovation to our advantage to make them truly workable, individual friendly, as well as into something that really does what it declares to do, which is to color right the actual tones as well as the idiosyncrasies of the skin.

Recharge, a sheer apricot

OK, exactly how would an daily person or gal integrate these into their makeup routine? I’m checking out a few of these colors, like the violet as well as the yellow, as well as thinking, “These look really, truly cool…” however I have no hint what to make with them.

So, very first of all, they’re extremely sheer, as well as whereas in the past — maybe with things other business have made with them, well… If you’ve ever taken, for example, a light pink blush as well as put it on top of oily skin, it turns six shades darker, as well as that’s what was happening with color correctors. They had as well much pigment in them, so they were really turning the skin odd colors, rather than correcting.

Neutralize, a sheer yellow
I believe what’s great about [the new MAC color correctors], as well as exactly how a typical person would integrate them into their makeup routine, is that they’d be utilized with the kind of technique like you’re erasing the tones off the kůže.

Illuminate, a sheer lavender
So, if you’re utilizing the CC cream itself, or if you’re setting with the loose powder or compact powder, it’s the concept that since they are so sheer as well as delicate, it nearly takes the guesswork out of the product for vy.

You’re going to utilize the powders on top of your foundation, or if you’re going to utilize the CC creams, you can begin before you really apply your foundation.

But it’s truly just a matter of utilizing them, as well as kind of erasing away, rather than the mentality of covering up, what you see. nearly like Photoshop. You just want to do a bit bit so things type of vanish — not totally cover things so they look odd or heavy, or so neutral that they look type of odd.

What would I utilize change for, the peachy beige?

I’d compare it to this: have you ever been to a department store with poor illumination in the dressing room? You’re checking out your skin, as well as you’re like, “I just feel so dull! I don’t look lively, as well as my skin looks gross!”

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting loose in Adjust, $24
I feel like the change truly just cheers up skin tones. So picture your medium skin tone — as well as I want to state that you’re probably, like, an NC42 in MAC nomenclature? (ME: YES!) — so for you, what it’s going to do is cheer up the skin without making it look like you’ve done some odd Kim Kardashian kind of highlighting as well as contouring effect. It just kind of naturally lifts the skin to where you’re like, “Wow, I look brighter!”

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting Compact in Adjust, $24
It brightens areas, maybe in the back of your skin, where, um, people who have a deeper skin tone around their forehead line, around their mouth, as well as around, like, the back of their cheekbones. So it type of adjusts those shades as well as brightens them up.

OK, walk me with the other three — yellow Neutralize, lavender Illuminate as well as apricot Recharge. Co dělají?

To jump directly to Recharge, it would be nearly the precise exact same thing we just explained with Adjust, however for deeper skin tones.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting Compact in Recharge, $24
So, maybe we’ve got, you know, an African-American woman, or somebody who’s a NC 50 or NW 50 skin tone — it would be the exact same thing — brightening up those tones so they nearly reverse them, like, the dullness of the skin, or what some people phone call the grayer tones, or the ashy type tones. So that’s going to counter those tones.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting loose in Recharge, $24
As far as the lavender, that would be for somebody like myself for instance.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting loose in Illuminate, $24
I have gold skin, as well as I’m determined to look like I have pink skin. I’m always utilizing red bronzers as well as red type blushes to make me look like I’m sunburned, since when I look at my skin, I feel like I look kind of like gold as well as yellow as well as just dull. So the lavender one, the Illuminate, is truly going to counteract that as well as just bring that brightness, as well as really illuminate the skin. just reversing a few of those tones that may make somebody feel truly dull.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting Compact in Illuminate, $24
And then the last one would be Neutralize, which is yellow.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting loose in Neutralize, $24
And that would be best for somebody who has pink nuances in their skin. Myself, having dealt with women for 18 years, women come up as well as they’re always like, “I dislike that my skin’s unequal as well as pink.” So reduce the effects of would be something that you might actually just erase out those pink tones from the skin.

Prep + Prime Colour Correcting Compact in Neutralize, $24
What are your must-haves from the collection then — the things you’re absolutely loving?

I would say, for sure, the CC creams.

Prep + Prime CC Colour Correcting SPF 30 swatches from the left: Adjust, Recharge, reduce the effects of as well as Illuminate
What’s fascinating for me as a makeup artist, as well as what I’ve been truly trying to tell my clients as well as just every consumer I interact with, is the concept now of letting the skin be exposed from underneath.

When we’re approaching things, we’re truly just erasing versus covering. With the CC creams, two fantastic colors would be the reduce the effects of as well as the Adjust. I tend to get hold of those a lot. as well as actually just type of like push, pull as well as utilizing brushes, or undoubtedly utilizing fingers, however just truly acting like I’m skimming or erasing off the tones, before I technique [the skin] with foundation.

And what’s great is that the CC cream has priming properties to it, so it really nearly type of self-sets as well as locks down to the skin, so when you put foundation on top, it’s not interrupted by the truth that you’re putting makeup on top of it.

Prep + Prime CC Colour Correcting loose swatches from the left: Adjust, Recharge, reduce the effects of as well as Illuminate
And I like loose powder. I understand that some people, when you truly speak to the typical consumer, they’re like, “It’s untidy on my countertop,” as well as this as well as that. however there is that kind of je ne sais quoi — that light powdery-ness of loose powder — that looks velvety as well as nearly soft-focused.

So I discover myself truly gravitating toward those two products, however I think, of course, for somebody on the go or somebody traveling, undoubtedly the compacts are the very best choice.

Prep + Prime CC Colour Correcting Compact swatches from the left: Adjust, Recharge, reduce the effects of as well as Illuminate
One a lot more concern for you! With the powders, would you ever utilize them under the eyes?

Ano! These are truly forgiving. picture the Prep + Prime Translucent Powder that we sell. It’s generally that type of formula with a bit bit of that color added to it, so they’re very, extremely versatile as well as forgiving under the eyes.

CC me!
And when you connect them to the skin or add them to the skin, if they hit an oily area around the side of your nose or on the side of your forehead, they don’t oxidize as well as turn weird. They stay truly true to the color you see with your eyes.

So to response your question, yes, beneath the eyes is fine, as long as you’re not, you know, packing a ton of powder, since that’s going to make any individual look textured, as well as with one of our light, fluffy brushes like the 224, which is generally utilized for the contour of the eye.

If you utilize one of those with the change or even with the Illuminate, yes, you might definitely, not only set your concealer, however provide it that additional bit improve that knocks out that pesky dark circle that we’re all trying to get rid z.

Thanks for all the fantastic tips, Victor! My tmavé kruhy, stejně jako nemůžu se dočkat, až se boogie dolů s upraveným.

Pokud byste chtěli zkontrolovat nový preM + Prime CC barevný pravý řádek pro sebe, všechny 12 produktů je nyní nabízeno v MAC dlouhodobé lince v Mac Stores, čítače, stejně jako na internetu v

Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


P.S. Victor je docela aktivní online, stejně jako tady, kde ho můžete objevit, pokud jste na Twitteru, Facebook, stejně jako Instagram.

Nebuďte plachý. Stát! Je opravdu pěkný.

Mac Senior Artist Victor Cembellinův Twitter:

Instagram Victor:


Victorův Facebook:

Webové stránky společnosti Victor:

Lokátor Mac Store:

Stejně jako něco z snu …


Ne tyto květiny vypadají typ surrealisty?

Viděl jsem je na procházce pár dní zpět, stejně jako musel zastavit stejně jako vyfotit. Líbí se mi metoda šedavě hnědé větve kontrast s horkými růžovými květy.


Poznámka k vlastnímu: Vyzkoušejte šedé / hnědé oko brzy, stejně jako pár s horkým růžovým rtem.

Hledáte no-fuss červenat pro váš make-up bag? Vyzkoušejte nové příliš tváře miláčky Nejlepší flush červenat se v něčem o berry a broskvové pláži

příliš čelí miláčkům se červenat v něco o bobule, $ 30
Jestliže, jednoho dne se chytíte do zásuvky naplněného příliš tváří v tvář miláčci červenat a rozzářil se s potěšením, budu ten hlas v zadní části vaší mysli říká: “Vidíte, řekl, že to bude úžasné!”

“Nacházíme na našem nejlepším prodejním zlatíčku nejlepší flush červenat, jsme vyvinuli dva mnohem více ne-selhání barevné palety červenat, aby se odhadovaly dohady z vytváření sladkého, romantického flush. V každém pečeném, ve tvaru srdce červenat jsou tři jednotlivé vzorníky barev. Směs všech tří vzorníků společně pro jeden univerzální odstín nebo použít každý vzorník individuálně pro zakázku barvu. ”

– příliš tvářená kosmetika

Duno, co se stalo, ale když jsem otevřel tyto dva nové jarní červenat odstíny v něčem o berry a broskvové pláži, bylo to, jako bych mohl vidět budoucnost! – Chci říct, že můžu naprosto vidět, že zlatíčko se vnímá jako příliš tváří v beroucí boxu o “červenat se.


Peach Beach, $ 30
Umíš si představit?? Celá sbírka zlatíčků se červena v různých odstínech? Tyto dvě nové jarní barvy se připojují loňské bonbóny záře a nedokážu si představit, proč by se příliš tvář zastavila jen tři.

Držte, jerrod! (Odeslání vibrací pozitivní výztuže …)

Skvělé pro červenat začátečníky (nebo opravdu každý jedinec, který chce v make-up bagu), zlatíčko se skládají z nejlepších množství naprosté barvy, aplikovat hladce a vyžadují sotva jakýkoliv míchání.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Peach Beach.
Peachy růžová broskev beach – podobný mac stylu červenat, ale mírně sheerer – má krásný bronzy zlatý lesk. Na lehčích lovelies musí vypadat naprosto ohromující všechny sám.


Darker Damsels by to mohlo milovat jako zvýrazňovač, kde si myslím, že by vypadalo senzační vrstvený voda korálů a broskvové červenat.

Něco o Berry
Fuchsie něco o Berry, druhý odstín, je prostě stunner. S jeho broskvou zlatý lesk, to naprosto objeví na opálené kůži. Zvedněte to teď! – A uložte ho na léto, abyste nosili s naprostým horkým růžovým leskem.

Láska, láska a láska! Nastavte tip, abyste zkontrolovali, když spustili online 12. prosince.

Peach Beach na mých tvářích
Nosit něco o bobule na tvářích
Miláčky se v něčem o berry (vlevo) a broskví (vpravo)

Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup as well as beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 339

Dear Tabby is written by Tabs the cat, commonly thought about “the world’s very first plus-size kitty supermodel.” established in mid 2012, it has quickly ended up being the most prominent feline advice column on earth — understood for its fresh, feline point of view on lifestyle, fashion as well as style problems affecting cats as well as humans.

A kitty who wishes to be her own cat

DEAR TABBY: My buddies are driving me bonkers.

Especially my finest friend. She’s a fluffy, long-haired Persian, as well as rather the diva — you know, all about going to get her fur groomed, as well as getting mani-pedis, as well as all of that high-maintenance kitty stuff.


Which is fine — however I’m more of an au naturel kitty girl. I’m just not the type of feline to wear a tiara on a Tuesday to eat her crunchies, if you understand what I’m saying.

Well, um, this buddy of mine keeps insisting that I go along with her to the grooming salon, telling me that I requirement to get my claws filed as well as get some tinted claw covers, since they’ll “change my life.” (She has bright pink ones.)

But Tabby, I don’t want to do that. I rather like my natural nails and, you know, I don’t requirement a elegant lion cut or anything like that.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

How can I tell her that I don’t want to go to the salon? We’ve been finest buddies for a truly long time, as well as I don’t want to hurt her feelings.


Prostě buď sám sebou

DEAR PATCHES: You know, we’re lucky. We online in a time when cats can reveal themselves in a myriad of ways, be it with blogs or YouTube or accessories or garments or different fur styles as well as grooming.

Moje maličkost? I like to do my own grooming since I’m extremely specific about it, as well as I like my claws natural. In your case, the next time your buddy insists that you go with her to the grooming salon, I suggest you take her aside, gently, as well as be directly with her. Don’t comprise any type of excuses; don’t state that you have to go as well as volunteer at the ASPCA or anything like that. Be upfront with her, however do it gently. just tell her, “I like exactly how you do your diva thang, as well as it totally fits you, however it’s not truly my style.”

And if she doesn’t believe you, or if she still insists, tell her that you don’t want to take the spotlight away from her. trust me, that will work. It takes one (a diva) to understand one.

Cat seeks fashion advice

DEAR TABBY: I see that you wear feline eye glasses sometimes. Well, I’ve just recently been told by my optometrist/veterinarian that I requirement to procure a pair of glasses since I’ve been diagnosed as near-sighted.

On the one paw, I’m looking ahead to seeing the fantastic outdoors once again in crisp high-definition, as well as I do believe that this will likewise assist me catch more mice, however I’m torn over style. I can’t figure out what type of frames to get.

I’m lured to get a feline eye shape because, well, I’m a cat, as well as many cats pull off that look well, however I’m afraid they may look a bit hipster. Co bych měl dělat?


It’s all about the accessories

DEAR DIAMOND: When it comes to eyewear, I believe it’s trial as well as error, as well as if you’re feelin’ the feline eyes, so what if they’re cliché? You do you, boo.

With that said, may I offer one tip? go with a color that complements your fur.

Couching a delicate subject

DEAR TABBY: What’s that old saying? — “A cat’s home is her castle?”

Well, mine is no longer a castle. It’s a prison with a huge, hideous brown twill couch.

Yes, my assistants bought a new piece of furniture.

It’s not my taste at all, however that’s not the issue. The problem is that they won’t enable me anywhere near it, whereas my previous couch — it was my playground! They let me jump on it, sleep on it as well as claw the living daylights out of it.

But this one, they won’t even let me get within paw distance.

I want to dominate this couch, Tabby. Co bych měl dělat?

Thoughtfully yours,
zmrzlinový pohár

Show them who’s boss

DEAR SUNDAE: Oh! I totally comprehend the requirement to assert one’s dominance, especially over furniture. I do this all the time — sometimes outwardly, like by jumping upon the chair that was previously deemed “mom’s chair,” as well as other times more subtly, like by brushing up against it with my haunches or my tail.

I suggest you begin slowly with your campaign. think about a trial drive-by. clean a cheek against one of the sofa’s legs, as well as develop up from there. You should ultimately be able to at least pounce on the pillows without anybody yelling at you.

Time for a appropriate introduction

DEAR TABBY: I just moved into a new neighborhood, as well as I spend most of my time indoors, however sometimes my parents let me go outside.

To jeVelká zábava, nicméně někdy to dělá mě cítit trochu osamělý, protože všechny komunitní kočky hrají spolu. Viděl jsem je, ale nikdy mě nezvoupili, abych se rozběhl.

Vidím je, že chodí, z nichž se dívají dolů, stejně jako vznášející se kolem stejného rybníka (má zlatou rybku), ale nikdo mě nikdy nevezme k nalezení.

Jak mohu zlomit led?

S pozdravem,

Trochu Catnip jde dlouhou cestu

Dear Fiddles: Nikdy není snadné udělat nové kamarády v místě, kde nikomu nerozumíte. Věř mi, byl jsem tam.

Věřím v tuto situaci, že je musíte ukázat jim, kdo jste – laskavý, sladký, jemný kočička. Možná projděte do rybníka, až příště je vidíte, jak se shromáždili stejně jako představit se.


Nemusíte zůstat dlouho. Stavem Dobrý den, zmínit, že jste online v domě přes cestě, stejně jako možná pozvat je na Catnip.

Buď trpělivý. Nesmí se vyskytovat přes noc, nicméně brzy budete mít kamarády hrát v sousedství.

Hodně lásky, vždy,

The MAC studio Sculpt Defining Powders have a super Natural-Looking Power

The MAC studio Sculpt Defining Powders as well as studio Sculpt Superblack Lash Mascara
Ale Ale Ale…

I believe I just discovered my new BFF off-duty/weekend deal with makeup product. MAC’s new studio Sculpt Defining Powder ($32) has a surface like an ocelot…in that it’s elusive — the finish, I mean (cats on the brain). It has that elusive genuine skin-like surface that isn’t simple to discover in a deal with powder. No matter exactly how much I pack it on, it doesn’t look fake, caked-on or powdery.


With an ultra-fine, super sheer formula as well as a delicate sheen, I believe it looks extremely natural on the skin.

Even when I threw caution to the wind as well as used a number of layers of medium Deep utilizing a kabuki clean (in the rate of interest of makeup science, of course), I still couldn’t see any type of tell-tale traces of powder. It was as if I wasn’t using anything on at all.

But yet my pores looked smaller, my skin tone looked nice as well as even, as well as I couldn’t see my freckles at all. It’s the old “no-makeup” makeup effect, as well as I like it.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Wearing studio Sculpt Defining Powder in medium Deep on top of Laura Mercier Smooth surface perfect Fluide foundation in Chai
Available in eight shades, the MAC studio Sculpt Defining Powders are part of the new studio Sculpt Collection, a 10-piece release heading permanently to all North American MAC places as well as September 4 (through October 30). Internationally, it’s slated to show up a long time in September.

Light Plus
Medium Plus
Medium Dark

Medium Deep
Dark Deep

The MAC studio Sculpt collection includes…



Light Plus


Medium Plus

Medium Dark

Medium Deep


Dark Deep


Superblack Lash

BRUSH, $25 U.S./$42 CAD

127 Split Fibre Face

Páni! I feel like I’ve been taking pics all the time long. I can’t believe the day is almost over.

Jak se máš? I haven’t come up for air in a few hours. El Hub as well as I are believing about going to a movie tonight… There’s truly nothing out that we’re dying to see, however sometimes I truly like going to the movies during the workweek since then it feels like more of a treat (this is what we’re believing about seeing).

Anywho, that’s the method my brain works…


Hope you’re having a great day so far. Your nephew says, “Mrow!”

Vaše přátelská společenství krása závislý,
