4 steps to clearer Skin With the Neutrogena #LetsSolveIt campaign

somewhere between trying to capture in as much outdoorsy time as possible in the second half of summer, a lot of stressful side projects, a especially poor bout of insomnia (I keep waking up around the Witching hour as well as then can’t autumn back asleep) as well as the stable stream of ice cream I’ve been eating after dinner (even though I understand what occurs when I have as well much dairy), I’ve started breaking out.

It’s nothing as well bad…yet (knocks on wood), certainly not as poor as the significant humdingers I get in some cases along my jawline. These are just bit whiteheads on my chin as well as around the edge of my forehead, as well as a couple of body breakouts on my breast as well as booty.

Yes, girl, booty — specifically, my left butt cheek, if you should know.

Is that TMI? Probably, however it’s not like I’m the very first person (or the last) to get a agonizing pimple on their bum.

Tak jako tak! When Neutrogena as well as Walgreens asked if I was down to switch up my acne-fighting game with their #LetsSolveIt campaign as well as take the quiz at SolveMyAcne.com, I thought, “Good timing!”

I’ve had excellent luck with Neutrogena skin care over the years, as well as I dig Walgreens (I utilized to go there on my breaks everyday when I worked in SF), so I stated “sure!”

Getting back into the swing of things at institution after summertime break is stressful enough. who needs the added tension of a poor breakout? get professional skin care recs with the Neutrogena #LetsSolveIt campaign by taking the Acne-Fighting Quiz at SolveMyAcne.com, as well as feel fabulously positive in clearer skin.

First step: the quiz. as well as it’s not one of those quizzes that they state is only going to take two minutes however ends up taking 20. It truly is just a handful of simple questions.

Jako tak…

Based on my answers, right here are the four products the quiz suggested for me as well as my combo dry/oily skin:

Oil-Free Acne tension manage Power cream laundry ($8.99): This creamy, oil-free deal with laundry works without stripping or drying the skin. It includes salicylic acid (2%), as well as cucumber as well as eco-friendly tea extracts, to fight breakouts while decreasing redness as well as clearing up oil.

Rapid remove maximum stamina Acne treatment Pads ($9.49): These soft, textured oil-free pads likewise include salicylic acid (2%), as well as they’re soaked with something distinct to Neutrogena called MicroClear, a proprietary innovation scientifically proven to push medicine deep into pores to both fight the acne you can, as well as the acne you can’t, see.

Oil-Free wetness sensitive Skin ($10.99): This lightweight water-based moisturizer doesn’t include alcohol or any type of fragrances, so it’s suitable for sensitive skin.

Body remove Body laundry Pink Grapefruit ($8.49): Pink grapefruit. Those are the magic words for me best there. This gloriously grapefruit-scented laundry likewise includes chamomile, eco-friendly tea extract, vitamin C as well as 2% salicylic acid to treat body breakouts on the shoulders, back as well as breast while keeping new breakouts from…breaking out.

I like the concept of a whole acne regimen that only includes four products. I can deal with a four-step process, so I put my routine skin care favorites aside, as well as I’ve been utilizing these for two weeks.

Step 1: Acne tension manage Power cream Wash

Every morning as well as evening, I washed my deal with with the Acne tension manage Power cream laundry (which smells mildly minty). I like exactly how it leaves my skin feeling somewhat tingly (it’s a great pick-me-up in the morning!), as well as that it doesn’t make the dry parts of my skin feel tight or otherwise uncomfortable.

Step 2: fast stamina Acne treatment Pads

Then, best after utilizing the deal with wash, I wiped one of the fast stamina Acne treatment Pads around my face, paying special interest to the bit whiteheads along my jawline as well as around my forehead. At that point, there was typically some leftover product on the pad, so I’d likewise wipe the areas where I was breaking out on my breast (as well as that a person frustrating pimple on my bum).

Step 3: Oil-Free Moisturizer

After utilizing the pad, I completed up my deal with routine by moisturizing my deal with as well as neck with the Oil-Free Moisturizer.

And I did this every morning as well as night before bed after my shower.

Step 4: Body remove Body laundry in Pink Grapefruit

Lastly, while I was still IN the shower at night, I utilized the Body remove Body laundry in Pink Grapefruit around my breast (and, again, my booty), as well as then my routine body laundry to laundry all over else.


As I stated earlier, I’ve had truly excellent luck with Neutrogena skin care products over the years, so I was stoked to try these four, as well as the only one of them I believe I’ve tried beforeJe růžová mytí těla grapefruitu.

Určitě jsem objevil posílení v mé pleti za poslední dva týdny, zejména s pupínkem kolem okraje mého čela, které jsou – yay! – Nikde není nalezena.

Take to, zits!

Stále mám jednu malou bitovou bílí na bradě … ale je to v té době, kde chápu, že bude pryč do několika pár dní.

Byl jsem trochu znepokojen tím, že dohoda s praní, stejně jako podložky by vyschla mé tváře (které jsou již tak suché), ale ještě nejsou. Opravdu se jim líbí oba stejně jako plán pokračovat v využití.

Ach! stejně jako předpoklad, co? Myslel jsem, že můžete získat mnohem více třesku pro váš babku, pokud řezáte polštářky na polovinu. Ano, využívám páru nůžek, které držím v mém lékárničku.

Hej, Walgreens, stejně jako Walgreens.com Shoppers! Udělejte 3000 Walgreens Bilance výhody s nákupem $ 15 nebo mnohem více v Vyberte neutrogenní produkty s 28. srpna 2015.

Pokud jde o hydratační krém bez oleje, Olejier oblasti na mém dohodě se skutečně podobným, jako je můj čelo, nos stejně jako brada. Moje tváře, které jsou však vždy epidicky suché, požadavky mnohem více vlhkostí než toto, takže musím vrstva další, bohatší hydratační krém nahoře.

Mohu ho stále využít na akci, když moje kůže se opírá o další mastnou stranu, ale věřím, že to bude s největší pravděpodobností pracovat mnohem lépe, pokud máte přímou mastnou nebo typickou kůži.

Pokud jde o tělo mytí, wow! – Voní úžasná. Mám rád ostré citrusy vůně, stejně jako toto skály.

A funguje to také dobře, protože breakouts na mých prsech jsou prakticky naprosto pryč. Žádné mnohem více aggro červených pupínků, stejně jako několik non-agro pupínků, které jsou vlevo, jsou malé, stejně jako vypadají, jako jsou na jejich poslední nohy. Navíc to nesešlo kůži.

Zit na mém zadku (jsem blázen, nebo by to nebylo vynikajícím názvem pro kapelu?) Je rovněž méně agonizující i menší.

Celkově jsem měl vynikající zkušenosti s těmito akné bojujícími produkty, stejně jako v mém jasnější kůži se cítím mnohem pozitivnější.

Jsem připraven na tebe, pád!

Vaše přátelské komunitní kouzlo závisí,
