Fri-Yay makeup Fun: Ombre eyeliner

Yeah, you could line your lash lines with a basic black or brown liner and call it a day, but it’s Fri-YAY! Let’s wear two different colors. two fun colors, woo-hoo! ?

I mean, you don’t have to go as crazy as I did here with, like, teal and purple, but I’m not going to prevent you if you’re in the mood to go bold.


So, let’s talk about ombre eyeliner, which is what I call it when one shade of liner merges into another shade to create an ombre effect.

I normally like to do the inner part of my lash lines in a lighter color than the outer part because I think it makes the most visual sense to me, but it’s just a preference. Něco jde.

For this look here, I’m doing my lighter liner on the inner part, and a darker liner on the outer part.


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1. choose your two liner colors

I think this is the hardest step — picking two colors that go well together, and also go well with your overall look.

Think about what you’re wearing on your lids, a.k.a. everything about your lash line and below the crease. I’m wearing a teal shade on my lids, so I went with a darker green shade for my inner liner, and a dark purple for the outer liner (the purple also echoes my purple lips, but I might try this again and use a tmavě modrá).

Side note: when I do this kind of look with neutrals (you know I love me some browns!), I like to use gold, bronze or rose gold for the inner liner, and then, say, a dark plum, dark navy or a forest green for the outer section.

Some combos I like!

Basically, just consider your eyeshadow, and opt for your gut. Honestly, you can’t really go wrong with whatever you choose.

But if you’re still stumped and can’t decide, play with some colors on the back of your hand, and then hold your hand up by your eye to see if the colors work with whatever you’re wearing on your lids. and if you do line your eyes with a color that you end up not liking, just draw over it with another shade. I do that all the time!

Now that you’ve (hopefully) picked your colors…

2. Line the inner portion of your upper and lower lash lines with your lighter color

Start your ombre liner look by lining your upper and lower lash lines with the lighter shade, going from the inner corner and stopping about halfway along your lash lines.

By the way, for this look, I chose a pencil liner, because I wanted a lot of control over the line, but any formula (powder, gel, liquid, you name it) works. and whether you leave the edge crisp, or smudge it out, is absolutely up to you. A smudgier line will be a lot more casual and grungy, while a crisp line will look a lot more formal and glamorous.

3. Line the outer portion of your upper and lower lash lines with your darker color

Next, line your upper and lower lash lines with your darker color, and I like to slightly overlap the lighter color.

Take that darker color all the way to the outer corner of your lash lines.

You can also add a wing if you’d like. Again, absolutely up to you.

Wing or no wing, though, be sure to connect the colors in the outer corner; v opačném případě; it can look unfinished.

After you’re done lining, run a Q-tip soaked in a little bit of makeup remover to sharpen the edges if you need to.


Aaand you’re done! TGIF. have a great Friday.

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