Make-up stejně jako krása blog pondělí anketa, sv. 536

Paws up! Je pondělí!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Dobrá otázka! Není to v rozporu s jeho jménem, ​​skutečným hlasováním. Je to jen výpis pěti více nebo méně náhodných problémů, které jsem publikoval na tomto blogu každý pondělí ráno pro minulé roky Gazillion (více než 10!). I like reading your answers, as well as it assists me get my week off to a fantastic start. ?

1. exactly how old were you when you got your very first cell phone?

OK, I’m dating myself, however I wanna state 24?

Maybe it was 25…


I can’t keep in mind the design or the brand, however it was a husky silver flip phone…and I believe it may have had an antenna?! the very best thing about it was that I might decrease it (and I did, every five minutes) without it breaking.

SERIOUSLY, I dropped that thing 20 times a day, as well as for many years after that whenever I got a new phone, the very first thing I’d ask the sales partner at the phone counter was always, “Can it handle being dropped a lot, all the time?” as well as the salesperson would always look back at me like I was out of my mind. ?

Ha ha ha!


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

2. bath bombs, bath oils or bubble baths?

Gimme them bubbles! as well as light some candles, turn off the lights, as well as please leave me alone for 30 minutes. Oh, as well as close the door on your method out, thanks!

3. Is there such a thing as as well much glitter?

All indications point to “yes,” although if you’d bumped into me at a rave in 1999 as well as saw the body shine on my arms, the shine in my hair as well as the shine on my eyes as well as lips, my response would’ve been totally different.

4. I don’t usually leave the home without [FILL IN THE BLANK].

Ugh, so many things. have a kid, they said. You can be a streamlined mom, they said.

Lies, all of it.

Here goes…

If it’s just me, then my wallet, phone, secrets as well as my personal miscellany, which almost always includes a little bottle of hand sanitizer, infant wipes, a small tube of hand cream, metropolitan Decay lip balm, any type of number of different lip products, sunglasses, black hair elastics (two at a minimum) as well as a pen.

If Connor’s with me, then I’ll likewise have…

Snacks (to treat hangry-ness)

Folding silicone travel potty (for emergencies)

Disposable toilet covers

One modification of clothes for the Coywolf

Travel packs of different wipes, like sanitizer wipes as well as infant wipes

Disposable gloves (um…I’m truly grossed out by public restrooms)


Travel sippy cup with water

5. Pay yourself a compliment — as well as no half-@ssed sh*t, either. I wanna see epic!

Karen. KAAAAARRENNNN! You are a much much better writer than you provide yourself credit history for.

C’mon, don’t be like that. Ty jsi! You’re creative, compose weirdly fascinating lists, as well as you have a knack for making mildly entertaining alliterative allegories. You’ve been lucky sufficient to compose everyday for more than 10 years, as well as that’s all type of amazing, you know? keep doing the damn thing, girl!

Tlapky nahoru!

Bet there was a split second when you wondered if the mini emery boards in the pic up top were for your cat(s) or for yourself, huh?

I can see myself gently holding a tabby paw as well as buffing away extremely carefully while Tabs reclines on his fainting couch, ha ha ha! These emery boards are really for, ya know, human nails (sorry to disappoint you), as well as the reason why I have them close-by is since I’m trying a new thing this week — adding a bit fun to everyday, simple tasks. like filing down my claws with the sweetest emery boards. For some reason seeing those paw prints makes the act a bit less tedious, as well as something about the mini size is just so, so adorable to me. Anyway, I figure if I can make the things on my to-do listing different as well as fun in some bit method this week, maybe, just maybe, when all those bit bits add together, I’ll cumulatively accrue some additional joy. It doesn’t hurt to try, ya know? Plus, it gets me out of my comfort zone a little.

Here’s what’s on my listing so far:

Try a new chilly coffee drink.

Mail a buddy a “thinking of you” card with an old photo of us as well as a poem about friendship.

Try a new salad recipe with an component I’ve never utilized before.

Take a different path on my morning walk with Connor.

Look for some new pop music as well as listen to it while I neat up my desk at the beginning as well as end of my day.

Stretch for 10 minutes in the morning.

See, little things.

Oh, I almost failed to remember the most important thing! I have to track each bit thing I do, since seeing it on a listing makes it real.

Anywho! just something to try.

You have a great Monday as well as a fantastic week, ‘k?

Vaše přátelská společenství krása závislý,



P.S. Zájem! že joZde jsou kopírovat / vložit s odpověďmi v komentáři. brzy na slyšenou.

1. Přesně Jak jste byli starý, když máš svůj první mobilní telefon?
2. Koupelová bomby, lázeňské oleje nebo bublinkové lázně?
3. Existuje taková věc jako stejně jako se třpytí?
4. Obvykle neopustím domov bez [vyplňte prázdný].
5. Plaťte si kompliment – stejně jako ne napůl @ ssed sh * t, buď. Chci vidět epos!